Who We Are

Founded in 2019 in the city of Florianópolis by rider Allessa Rita, the history of AR Equestrian began to be written in equestrianism, bringing different clothing options for training and competitions.

A horse rider since the age of 7, Allessa Rita has over 25 years in the sport and has worked with equestrianism in the United States and Belgium. Today, she is pursuing a career in Brazil, training horses and giving classes at the Sociedade Hípica Catarinense.
Graduated in fashion from Unisul University, she really missed clothes to train with. The market imported good brands but due to the price it was difficult to have outfits for every day.

This is how AR Equestrian was born, combining technology, comfort and style for better performance and only launching its collection after ensuring that the pieces would withstand the daily routine of equestrianism.